Thursday, August 24, 2023

random thoughts – Day 1,255 – (Thursday) – bookish

It has been a day. A fire over here. A fire over there. A couple of my own cases of “crap, I forgot about that,” and a swirling flurry of questions from all over. I’m blaming Mercury retrograde. It hit yesterday which I didn’t know until I just looked it up, but the way the work day went sure was an indicator. It was along the lines of a Times Square or Vegas chaser lights and neon sign. Definitely not subtle.


An Elaborate Metaphor and good book.
It was Boozy Book Club night, which is my favorite Thursday night of the month. For now anyway. In a couple months it will be changing to Tuesday and I don't know how I will feel about that.

The book was really good – Ashton Hall, a contemporary story with historical fiction element. The lead character got to do research in an old British estate home, reading household ledgers and library borrowing records and reviewing journals and sketch books and all I could think was “How can I get a job like that?” I had a taste of it in Tennessee while working on several projects and I loved every single minute of it. I’m not fussy, and it wouldn’t have to be in an English estate house. It could be in a small American office or library basement somewhere.

My book club beer selection for tonight was Burlington Beer Company’s Elaborate Metaphor, a New England hazy pale ale chosen because I liked the name. It was nice. Our meeting was fun because the conversation was, as always, interesting, and no matter what the book, there are club members who have some real world connection to something in the story and can corroborate details.

Now it’s time to dive into the September book. Oy. I can’t believe it’s almost September already. It doesn’t even feel like the summer started yet and it’s nearly over.

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