Friday, August 4, 2023

random thoughts – Day 1,235 – (Friday) – minimum effort

The Lyle Lovett concert Thursday night had me up several hours past my bedtime. When I finally closed the laptop, turned off the TV, and put away the phone, sciatica kept me awake well into the hours with single digits. Thank goodness today had been booked off as a vacation day because I wouldn't have lasted.  

Winston woke me up at the usual 6:00 to go potty, and after feeding him I went back to bed. An hour or so later, he barked me awake to go outside again, and once he was back inside, I hit the couch and slept until 9:18. Sleeping late felt both good (I needed the sleep) and bad (there was guilt for losing half the morning).

After the stellar success (cough, lucky starting word) of solving Wordle in one guess yesterday, my starting word was changed. It had been the same for hundreds of games and it felt like time now that it had been the actual word. Today’s puzzle, with a new starting word, had three letters in the correct places, one in the wrong spot, and one just wrong. It was solved in two guesses and I felt like a lucky genius.

The weather forecast for today looked grim with thunderstorms and wild weather predicted. The day off was booked practically on a whim, so there was no actual plan for the day. It felt like a Saturday, which was confusing.

Some weeds were pulled. A hair appointment was rescheduled. A vet appointment was made for Winston. The contents of the dishwasher were rearranged and it was run. Netflix, which has randomly been not loading on the TV, was working today, so a movie about a house with a ghost (We Have a Ghost) and another called Do Your Worst ran. It was a big, big day. <insert eye roll>

Supper was a gourmet delight of Lebanon Sweet Bologna rolled around a slice of American cheese. There was no desire to cook and the preferred pizza place is closed for vacation until Monday. 

The weather ended up being much tamer than forecast. There was no rain. No thunder or wind. No real reason to hang around the house all day avoiding driving in bad weather, but since the pandemic, staying at home is such a habit that it’s easy to do. Leaving the house takes effort. Funny how things changed.

The forecast for Saturday is 82 degrees and sunny. Let's hope that one sticks.

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