Friday, August 18, 2023

random thoughts – Day 1,249 – (Friday) – movie date

Friday featured another weather mixed bag where it began to rain, luckily after I was settled at my desk. Later in the morning it rained more heavily. Then the sun came out, then it rained, and back and forth it went all day. At least twice the sun was shining while it was raining. By 5:00, it seemed to have settled on not raining any more.

Since seeing the social media ads before Barbie opened on July 21, I’ve wanted to see the movie. There were several reasons for the delay of nearly a month. When it first opened, I assumed it would be too crowded and decided to wait a week or so. Then real life got in the way and a week became nearly a month.

Yes, I enjoyed the movie.
Show times and ticket availability were checked many times and none bought. There are three movie theaters in a reasonable distance from The BungaLowell. Seeing the movie early in the week was ruled out because, well, “work night” has the same feeling to me as being a kid and it being a “school night.”

Thursday after work, ticket availability was checked for Thursday and Friday but a case of laziness kicked in and none were bought. Friday after work, the movie times were checked again, with screenings at 7:05, 7:30, and 7:45 available. 

There were very few tickets left at Showcase Cinema de Lux in Lowell (two!) and AMC in Tyngsboro (six!), but Chunky’s in Pelham had quite a lot of tickets and the later screening time, so it was fewer people and no need to rush out the door for the win. The bonus was Chunky’s tickets cost less than the other two theaters ($8.50 vs $14) and has beer, wine, cocktails, and a full menu. It was a no-brainer, really. Some day maybe I'll feel secure enough about money that I won't have to be my own cheapskate date.

Chunky's beer and fries.
After all the deliberation, I finally committed. The beverage of choice was Winni Amber Ale, a New Hampshire brew. The snack of choice after a day of already eating way too much stuff was sweet potato fries. Both were wise choices.

As for the movie – I liked it. A lot. The acting was great. I loved all the Barbies. I loved all the Kens. And Alan. Oh man, Michael Cera as Alan was perfect. The costumes were great. Barbie Land was magical and it must be great to have a perfect day every day. Ken’s Mojo Dojo Casa House cracked me up. I want the Barbie pink Corvette convertible. And the story was really good. Depression Barbie and Weird Barbie offered some relatable moments.

At the end of the movie, I took myself back to the real world in my very not Barbie not pink Jeep to the very not Barbie Dream House where cars were double parked at the end of the street with the slimmest of openings to get into my driveway. So very not Barbie Land. Sigh.

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