Monday, August 7, 2023

random thoughts – Day 1,238 – (Monday) – very monday

It was an early rising day when Winston had me up around 3:45 to go out for the second time of the overnight and 6:00 came tragically early after that. Once awake and downstairs, it was chicken chopping and coffee making time when I smelled something odd and foul. 

Resting comfortably.
Win had pooped on the dining room rug. After dealing with the wet poo cleanup near the front door, it was upstairs to dress for the office. That’s when I stepped in something wet with my bare foot. Ewwww. It was doggy barf. Poor Win was having a rough and active morning and I felt awful knowing I had to leave him for the day. There was some comfort in knowing he sleeps most of the day. 

In the car in the driveway, I noticed the garage parking pass wasn’t in the usual spot in the cup holder. It was last used on Thursday to park for the concert downtown. The driver and passenger seats were slid back to see if it had fallen between the seats and the console. The console compartment was checked, along with the glove box. The work bag and wallet were ransacked. No parking pass. I went back into the house to check the table, the counter, the bowl on the table, The pockets in the jeans and jacket I wore on Thursday, and the purse I used over the weekend. Big nope, and now I was 15 minutes late leaving for the office.

At the garage, I pulled a paper ticket and then stopped in the parking office to ask about replacing the card. The clerk wasn’t able to log into the computer and told me to come back later and that someone would probably be there after 5:00 when I returned.

At the office office, there were some password challenges and coffee which makes lots of things better. While putting my lunch of a frozen eggroll into the freezer some leftover cookies that I had wrapped and put in the freezer a couple weeks ago were discovered. Jackpot. 

There was a flawlessly executed photo session with a series of bankers arriving at 15-minute intervals who all arrived early or mostly on time and it went perfectly and tasted like a small victory and a chocolate chip cookie from the freezer.

The rest of the day chugged along and suddenly it was 5:00. Back at home, the aroma of doggy events hung in the air but it took some hunting to locate the source. The scavenger hunt first uncovered a mess on the dining room rug and then another on the kitchen floor which either wasn't there when I came in, or I miraculously avoided stepping in. Winston wandered around in circles and walked through the dining room wet poop, tracking it across the floor and into the living room.

Last week when I called the vet to make an appointment which isn’t until this Friday, I asked if there was anything to be on high alert for. The answer was diarrhea and vomiting, which seems to be the season we have entered. This could be a long and rough week.

After all the cleaning up and then feeding Win, there was another thought. This morning, I had checked the lavender colored purse used on Saturday, but on Friday I used the yellow purse. Sure enough, the parking card was sitting in the bottom of the yellow bag, where I had tossed it, thinking I would return it to the car cup holder. The card has now been transferred to the work bag and there is now one less thing to think about for a while. It tasted like another small victory. I’ll take them where I can get them.

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