Thursday, March 23, 2023

random thoughts – Day 1,101 – (Thursday) -- book club

It was the magical Thursday of the month when the LaLa Books Boozy Book Club meets. It’s my one standing social engagement and I look forward to it. Tonight’s bonus – there was a beer rep at the restaurant promoting Whirlpool, a hazy pale ale by Night Shift Brewing. Ordering the beer came with a free pint glass and I was sold, as were three other members of the book club. Yes, we can be bought with trinkets and glassware.

March book club selection.
I started reading the book club selection Olga Dies Dreaming on the flight to Rome, but only got about 50 pages into it before the cabin lights were turned off at 8:00 for the nighttime flight. I took the hint, closed the book, and curled up to sleep. 

The book wasn’t read again until a week later on the return flight. I thought about it several times while in the hotel room, but BBC News or sleep were chosen instead.

By the time of the flight home when I finally resumed reading, I had forgotten who characters were and had to flip back for a refresher. There was a lot of “which one is the politician?” and “wait, who is that?” I learned a little bit about several things, especially Puerto Rico, politics, and wedding planning, with a dash of blackmail, Russian money laundering, and the foundation for a revolution. Overall, it was an interesting and enjoyable read for an interesting and enjoyable meeting.

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