Saturday, March 11, 2023

random thoughts -- Day 1,089 --(Saturday) -- self checkout

Since the introduction of the self-checkout, I've avoided them for multiple reasons. I've observed self-checkout lines that took much longer than a checkout run by a store employee, mostly because the customer had no idea what they were doing. Also, I was thinking that if I have to do the work, I want the employee discount, thank you very much. 

One time at Kohl's, I headed over to the registers at the side of the store near misses to discover it was all self-checkout. A personable store associate was inviting customers to check themselves out in what seemed like an old-timey carnival barker fashion. She swept her arms toward the lanes. She promised it was easy. A couple other customers and I weren't falling for it and walked across the front of the store to the registers near the men's department. 

I greatly prefer having someone ringing up my items while I enjoy the full body stress sweat surge that accompanies rifling through my purse, wallet, and/or phone for the payment card and any coupons. The multitasking of scanning items and ripping through the other stuff seemed too stressful. 

I finally got to test my stress theory when visiting a 24-hour CVS during a quiet time when there seemed to be just one clerk on site. First, I couldn't find the item I needed and after found a loop through the store, hunted down that one clerk for help. 

I wanted  a pill sorter to help me remember if I took my vitamins and allergy pills. The vitamin D deficiency was no fun and I hope to never repeat it. After finally locating the item I had walked past twice, it was time to pay. 
The only option was self-checkout. I scanned my CVS program card and when prompted, scanned my $1.29 item. The next instruction was to put the item "in the bagging area." So I set it down on the metal counter next to the checkout machine in the area in front of the bags. It kept repeating the instructions. I started sweating and swearing. I imagined that the only other customer in the store, who was waiting for me to finish so he could start, was rolling his eyes over the spectacle. 

The clerk appeared and waved a card. I confessed I had no idea what I was doing, even though it was quite obvious. She told me to continue. Without knowing what stage of the process it was, I scanned the item again and this time set it into a bag. 

Note: if you want people to set the item in the bag, say so. "In the bag" is much more specific and clear than "in the bagging area."

Anyway, I ended up with the item charging twice and the clerk had to void one. Then the system informed me I had a 45-cent award and asked if I wanted to use it. I confidently tapped "yes" and then it told me to "scan the coupon." Ummm.... What coupon? You told me I had a reward, so do you not already know what that is? And if you mean the loyalty card, say so. I backed out and to apped "no."

In the end, it took about four times longer and significantly more muttering and cussing  for me to check myself out than if another human had done it. 

That stupid pill keeper better be worth the stress. Too bad there is no Valium to add to the compartments. 

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