Tuesday, September 15, 2020

“Remoted” – Workday 125 / Day 183 (Tuesday)

Resting after a tough day.
The reality is sinking in. The cold is coming. The house was 66 all day, which is close to the winter thermostat setting, and I was cold all day. I guess one big difference is that in winter, the attire is multiple winter layers and not summer lightweight.

Work is hopping busy. Little fires all around and big projects everywhere. Oy. In the midst of it all, Moose had a seizure. Every time it happens, it’s scary. 

They happen randomly and with varying intensity and duration. Today’s was brief and not the worst, thank goodness. He was behind my desk chair, and it sounded like he fell. I picked him up and then his legs got stiff and there was some thrashing. After that was over, he had trouble walking and seemed confused for a few minutes. After that he slept long and deep. 

His episodes have been happening occasionally for most of the years we’ve been together. Any time it happens, there is more concern with making sure he isn’t hurt than trying to get a video of it for the vet. But dang, a video would sure help describe things to the vet.

Neighborhood old-time cemetery.
Day two of the walking challenge and day two of walking after work. I thought about a walk before work, but it was too chilly and digging around for warmer things would take too long. Today’s route took me past an old cemetery barely a quarter mile from the house. I would probably have known about this sooner if I had ever bothered to explore the neighborhood on foot in any of the past four years. But hey, there’s no time like the present. 

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