Wednesday, September 9, 2020

“Remoted” – Workday 121 / Day 177 (Wednesday)

The holiday week state of confusion continued with Weirdo Wednesday, which was odd from the start. First, I woke up hot and sweaty. This is probably my most rare physical state since I stopped playing roller derby. It’s far more likely for me to be whining that I’m cold when it’s 95 degrees out than to wake up hot on a morning in the high 60s. My first thought was, “ewwwwwww, gross.” The second was, “what time is it?”

That’s when the second weird thing was realized. It was 6:00 and Moose was sound asleep. For two days now, he has not barked us up at 6:00 (or earlier) and I woke him up. Little Big Ben is off his game this week. He wasn’t especially interested in his breakfast, either, but he eventually ate it. Maybe he is just old and tired (aren’t we all, especially this year?). I’ll keep a close eye on him for a while (and myself if this body heat situation keeps up).

The third weird thing was good. The produce box that was due to arrive a day late because of the holiday arrived today, on time. Figs! Ginger! Nectarines and plums! And four cans of ginger beer, which came with the Moscow Mule recipe printed on the box. The package said the ginger beer is “extra spicy” but it tasted more “earthy” to me, so I’m not sure which spice that would be exactly. I have fresh ginger which does not taste like dirt, so I’m a bit confused by the "extra spicy" ginger beer.

Today’s work aggravation involved stock photography. Holy hell, why are images of a person at a desktop computer so scarce? It’s like the photographers all jumped on the person on a laptop, tablet, and cell phone images by the thousands and completely abandoned the regular desktop monitor and keyboard. Newsflash – lots of businesses still use desktop computers, and when I’m looking for images to represent business online services, I need something besides a 25 year-old on a laptop. Sure, the 25 year-olds and the laptops are fresh, shiny, and pretty, but come on. We had the same technology photo problem a year ago on another project. Do I have to start shooting stock photography just so we can have the images I need? Hmmmm … I’ve got time and a few cameras ...

At least I finally remembered to call the pest control company. For the cost of a modest week-long vacation, I can enjoy an initial rodent and wasp treatment and quarterly pest service with monthly payments. It might be less expensive to just get a cat, but that could drive the dogs straight into therapy, which would eat up any savings.

Winston, who already exhibits a charming blend of canine “pet me” neediness and feline “don’t touch me” aloofness, was sitting very still all evening, staring fixedly into the kitchen and then later at the open deck slider. When I went to investigate, there was a mouse sitting between the two overlapping glass panels. Winston watched as I slowly slid the door more open and closed and tried to figure out what to do. If I closed the slider the mouse would be released into the dining room. 

Winston and his pet mouse.
It worked out that I was able to open the screen (which usually comes off the track so my solution has been to avoid touching it), then slide the door open further. This could have gone two ways – the mouse would be back in the house, or out on the deck. Luckily, it turned to end up on the deck, and I slid that door shut as fast as I could. 

One less mouse in the house, as least for now. It’s anyone’s guess how many there are, because I doubt it was an independent operative. And there are probably 47 entrances I don’t know about. After the mouse was out, Winston took himself upstairs. Apparently, his work was done.

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