Tuesday, September 8, 2020

“Remoted” – Workday 120 / Day 176 (Tuesday)

It was the usual punishing Tuesday that feels like Monday – the price of a holiday. Woke up late, tired and with a sinus headache. Moose didn’t do his usual 6:00 wake up barking and I woke up at 6:15 confused. Most unusual, and has me a bit concerned. The late-night basketball practice in the street along with my usual nocturnal teeth grinding surely contributed to the throbbing headache, and sleeping weird left me with a sore shoulder. The sinuses were stuffed and the tinnitus was super extra loud, to add a layer of deafening fun to the mix. Much of the day that followed was a headache punctuated by aching eye sockets and occasional eye twitch. 

Does not care about
the rodent problem.
And now, it would be nice to relax, but a frigging mouse just ran across the living room floor. Winston was outside sniffing the neighbor trash cans that have been in front of my house since Sunday, having crawled under the gate to freedom. Moose was sleeping on the couch as carefree as can be. I clapped loud and both Moose and the mouse jumped.  Moose went back to sleep and the mouse stopped and somehow disappeared. 

I want to barf. If I sleep tonight it will be a miracle. Tomorrow must include a call to a pest company. Either that or I will just run away.

There have probably been mice here the whole time I lived here. I liked it better when they stayed hidden. But now, it is time to declare war.

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