Tuesday, July 16, 2024

random thoughts – Day 1,581 – (Tuesday) – blanketed

Today’s accomplishments include mowing the yard and pulling some weeds. Check.

Today’s failures include not going to the gym. Oops. That was more of a conceptual fantasy anyway.

The sunny day eased into an evening with a severe thunderstorm watch. About 45 minutes after the mowing was done and I had chugged a glass of water and enjoyed a Luigi’s blue raspberry Italian ice. The light shifted in the house and suddenly it was prematurely dark. I took to the deck to investigate.

Clouds blanketed the neighborhood.
A blanket of gray clouds was rapidly moving over the neighborhood. The street lights snapped to life in the rapidly settling gloom and the sky in the direction of Dracut brightened with flashes of lightning. The big tree across the street whipped wildly in the wind.

By 8:15, still a few minutes before the time noted for sunset, it suddenly seemed nearly as dark as midnight. Kiki scurried behind the couch. That’s about when the big faucet in the sky opened up and the rain blew in sideways, and slammed against the house. In just a few minutes, the big puddle had formed in the driveway and the still-not-dealt-with gutter over the front door had transformed back into a water feature. Thunder followed, and rumbled in a 360-degree surround sound effect.  

As the weather kicked in to high gear and caused a ruckus outside, it was nice to be in the house, dry and relaxing on the couch with a slightly grainy British comedy drama from 2002 on the screen (The Book Group on Prime Video). Ha! Like I need a reason to be in the house. The weather just provides a good cover excuse.

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