Tuesday, July 2, 2024

random thoughts – Day 1,567 – (Tuesday) – book night

First Tuesday of the month means Boozy Book Club. A quick stop in the bookstore before the meeting got me hooked up with the August book and reserved for that meeting. 

Book club night.
It was a beautiful night at an outside table at Warp & Weft. Tonight's feast of appetizers included sweet potato fries, mozzarella sticks, onion rings (back on the menu!), fried pickles, and pig and fig flatbread (gluten free). 

Halfway across the University Ave bridge on the way to the meeting I realized there was no hair elastic on my right wrist and it was breezy enough that a face and mouth full of hair was likely. The usual places were checked – the gear shifter in the Jeep, the cup holder, my purse, my wallet. None of the places where hair elastics usually live delivered said item. Oops.

Six of us gathered to chat about the book Silver Alert by Lee Smith, 221 pages. Initially, I decided I liked it because it isn’t too thick a book. It turned out I also like the book. The story was well-paced and the main characters were likable. A few supporting characters were less likable but well-crafted.

The blooming garden on Middle Street.
After the meeting, the streets were blissfully quiet on the walk back to the car. The garden at the law office near work was alive with color. It's always well-tended and beautiful. The commercial part of the building used to be the Lowell Gas Light Company and is really nice, and there is a residence there behind the pretty garden. I bet it's amazing living there. 

Back at home, there was time spent on the deck with a big glass of ice water and reading the book I thought I’d be able to squeeze in before tonight’s club book (Total Immersion by Allegra Goodman). Instead, I got a bit more than halfway through it and paused to read Silver Alert. I used to have a rule that I had to finish a book before I could start a new one, but it was abandoned long ago. As result, there are several books I never finished reading tossed here and there.

The weather was comfortable – warm, but not humid; lightly breezy, but not windy. The lingering light was pretty. It was a nice half hour in the outdoor living space I usually forget to go live in, but I was glad I remembered tonight.

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