Sunday, January 28, 2024

random thoughts – Day 1,412 – (Sunday) – slow day

Crispy rainy snowy world.
Another day, another weather event. Today’s forecast for freezing rainy snowy stuff caused the cancellation of the morning dance class to spare us from potentially bad driving home from class in the stuff. Several of us drive 45 to 60 minutes, from every direction of the compass. 

Instead of driving to dance class, I drove around the corner to the gym. A cold, crispy kind of frozen rain pinged off the windshield as I drove. The gym at 8:30 on a Sunday morning was kind of quiet. 

Fun read!
Instead of being tied to the TV screens for entertainment, I brought a book to read while on the treadmill (Everybody in my Family has Killed Someone, by Benjamin Stevenson). It's by an "award-winning stand-up comedian and author" and the writing style is entertaining. The time flew by. Back in the olden days of grad school, I used to take my textbooks and read homework while doing 45 minutes on the Stair Master. After the treadmill today, ten glorious minutes were enjoyed in a massage chair.

Despite the big declaration a few days ago of, “oh, I bought a big pizza and don’t need to go to the grocery store, aren't I so smart and clever” I ended up at Market Basket. The quest was broccoli and brussels sprouts for roasting, and Bisquick, the key to the quiche recipe I like to make. It was a quick trip.

As I left MB, the rain mix was more on the snow side and the air was full of plump flakes. It snowed enough to coat everything in a pretty fluffy coating before it went back to rain. Then it was back to snow. this went on all day. While putting away the MB purchases and thinking about tossing the veggies in olive oil and roasting them in the oven, it was realized that I forgot to buy olive oil. So much for that plan. For today, anyway.

For supper, biscuit mode kicked in and a batch was baked to accompany soup for supper. It is rare that I make biscuits, and I can't recall the last time any were baked that didn't pop out of a carboard tube. The baking lesson of the day was that dark, non-stick cookie sheets will brown/scorch the bottom of a biscuit before the tops achieve the desired “golden brown.” 

The afternoon was slow and relaxed with snowy day activities. Like laundry and Netflix, mostly, but that is the tale for most weekends. The best part about winter laundry is sitting with the load in lap, warm from the dryer, while folding the items.

The lounging around the house parts of the day was guilt-free due to the snow, which wasn’t even that bad yet. Most of the forecasts called for the assorted precipitation to come in several waves throughout the day with the worst of it overnight and stopping Monday morning. It seems to be playing out that way. 

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