Friday, January 12, 2024

random thoughts – Day 1,396 – (Friday) – blue skies and tots

Under a blue sky with bright sunshine, we had another outdoor photo shoot for work. It was a chilly and gorgeous winter day with crisp air. The photo subjects were tortured by the sun in their eyes, but they did a good job.

Blue sky and reflecttions.
Back downtown, it was all sunshine and glossy reflections outside, but it wasn't exactly all sunshine and rainbows inside. It was hopping busy at my desk. There was a lot of stress over finishing next week’s photo schedule which had five appointments confirmed and requires most of the week on location, and one shoot that wasn’t yet scheduled with a deadline looming. On top of that, there were several unrelated brush fires and a few rounds of 20 questions on a couple projects.

By 4:00, my head was pounding and my forehead felt like it would split wide open like a walnut shell in a nutcracker. My jaw was tense and I realized I was chewing the insides of my cheeks. There may have been some cussing and sputtering. Ok, there definitely was some of that. 

It was a relief to log out of the system and close the book on the day and week. Thank goodness for the long weekend and the chance to shake it all off. 

Sticks and tots.
At home, it seemed that comfort food was in order, and it was found deep in the freezer. Fish sticks and Tater Tots went into the oven. Mayonnaise and relish were mixed for tartar sauce. It was crispy, golden, deliciousness dipped in creamy goodness. 

It wasn’t a total cure, but it went a long way to relieving the throbbing head and pulsating eyeballs. It will be good to rest my head tonight, and dang, I'm beat.

The weather overnight is predicted to deliver … wait for it … more rain. It rained all summer. It rained all fall. It poured before Christmas and caused flooding. The big snowstorm last weekend was followed by more rain and a warm day that made most of the snow disappear. And now, a couple days after the last episode of wind and rain, it’s more wind and rain.

The water is really getting to me, but it also makes me appreciate the patches of sunshine. There is also a new appreciation for droughts.

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