Saturday, July 29, 2023

random thoughts – Day 1,229 – (Saturday) – folk fest saturday

After coffee and a visit to the gym, it was time to go downtown for Folk Fest Saturday. Some of the board members with The Brush Art Gallery and Studios signed up for one-hour blocks to help with greeting guests at the Brush, and I was due at noon. Checks of the weather forecast helped to determine wardrobe options. The high temperature caused a rejection of denim (too hot). A check in the mirror caused a rejection of two ensembles before a long, lightweight wrap skirt and tee shirt were chosen.

At 11:30, preparations for the festival day were underway. Streets were being machine swept. Equipment was being moved around on some of the stages. Some of the artists were still setting up at the Experience Lowell area in the bank's parking lot.

After hoofing it in the heat from the garage near Boarding house Park to The Brush and finally arriving in a full sweat, the air conditioned comfort of the gallery was most welcomed. It was nice chatting with people who came in.

Greek dancing in the pavilion.
From The Brush, it was time to wander the festival. My first point of interest was the Dance Pavilion, where a Greek band was scheduled. A crowd filled the seats and once the music began, the dance floor also filled up. The band leader introduced each song with information about the specific region of Greece from which it originated and Greek dancers guided the action on the dance floor. 

Heading away from the Dance Pavilion area, I bumped into a friend and we went exploring. We hoofed it over to the stage with the tap dancer backed by a jazz combo, then back to the artist area. Along the way, we saw a few other people we knew.

Clouds led to rain.
Around 2:45, as we stood near the Market Street stage where a group of musicians onstage was discussing various elements of their craft, the clouds had darkened overhead. Options considered were seeking an indoor location, or heading out. By then, my leg was aching except where it just plain hurt, so I opted for home.

It took a long time to get out of the garage. A growing line of cars snaked through the levels attempting to leave. Pedestrians flowed into the garage to retrieve vehicles. When I finally reached daylight, raindrops were falling. Outside the garage exit, a Lexus blocked one lane while two men unloaded bags of charcoal. The red light around the corner on Bridge Street cause the traffic to pile up for the block and around the corner to the garage exit and inside the garage.

Meanwhile, once the light changed and the traffic was able to move, people leaving Boarding House Park walked with a sense of entitlement in front of the cars, exacerbating the traffic issues. The driver ahead of me was chewed out by bulky middle-aged man carrying a lawn chair who emerged from between two concrete barriers and walked in front of the moving vehicle, then yelled at the driver for not stopping. Errrrr. People.

While in the traffic on Bridge Street, it was decided to go to Market Basket for Winston’s chicken. In the parking lot I emptied items I had been schlepping around in my bag all day. The small paintings bought from the art market and the umbrella were set on the passenger seat. I hobbled through the unfamiliar store, leg in full pain mode. By the time I hit the checkout line, a drenching rain was pouring from the heavens and I regretted the decision to leave the umbrella in the car.

It turned out the festival afternoon activities were put on pause due to the rain. The rain stopped and started a few times, and eventually the evening performances were called off.

We don’t need any more rain, but there were benefits to today’s precipitation. It was confirmed that something needs to be done with the gutters on the house. Ugh. But the rain knocked the temperature down by close to 20 degrees, so that was welcome relief.

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