Wednesday, July 19, 2023

random thoughts – Day 1,219 – (Wednesday) – rewards

Crushing the
basic Spanish.
It was a mostly ordinary Wednesday, speckled with random bright spots. There was a landmark 100% accuracy score in the online Spanish lessons which came with an on-screen declaration of superiority. The office air system is back to its bipolar behavior, which would have been great info to have before dressing in a long sleeve polyester blouse and long pants, based on having been cold there last Friday. Thanks to the warmth, the health plan Hydration Challenge of 8 glasses of water daily was conquered by 2:00.

A walk downtown was a self-issued afternoon reward for dealing with some tasks. On a whim, a quick pick lottery ticket was bought for whatever the big drawing is. (Yes, that is how I asked for it.) Snack and share, the reward for being in the office each Wednesday and provided today by our summer intern, was a delicious assortment of chocolate chip, double chocolate chip, and white chocolate chip cookies. 

The lawn was mowed tonight (hooray for me!). The time was not noted, so there is uncertainty if it is a new personal best. Sleep may be lost wondering. The reward for all the rain has been splendid growth of the yard greenery and a never-ending need for mowing. 

Best Dollar Tree
buy this year
Despite one day of no rain, (daylight hours only, it probably rained last night), the thick growth of weeds interspersed with actual grass was a bit damp. At least with the yard cut, Winston can more easily maneuver the yard and there is no more worry about losing him in the prolific weeds. At least until it rains again and they suddenly sprout another six inches.

The underside of the mower was cleaned out, with gobs of wet grass clumps scooped out by gloved hand in what was an oddly satisfying activity. That was followed by raking the dried tree helicopter things that just keep appearing in the driveway like some recurring nightmare.

The yard labor deserved a reward. Tonight, it was a delicious, fruity freeze pop. The box of 20 tubes of summer nostalgia might be the most rewarding Dollar Tree purchase this year. 

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