There is almost always some way I can entertain myself, and even if I’m doing next to nothing, it rarely feels like wasted time. Tonight, however, there was a stretch that felt like wasted time. There was regret and sadness.
Starring Pierce Brosnan and Ellen Barkin and produced by Adam Sandler, it seemed like it had the potential to amuse and I charged in with enthusiasm, ready to laugh. I did not. Throughout the movie, there was a lot of “Who is that actor?” followed by Google searches of the cast, and “What in the heck am I watching?”
There was no laughter. It was disappointing, but yes, I watched it all because I'm not a quitter. Or maybe too lazy to change it to something else. The Out-Laws is possibly the first show to which I gave a thumbs down on the Netflix ratings, so there's that.
Worse than the disappointment and regret of 95 minutes
wasted on a dumb movie is the feeling of panic and dread that my sense of humor
has departed. Fled. Headed for the hills. Dang, I hope it has a return ticket
and makes it back some time, preferably soon. I swear, if it comes back to me,
I will throw it a party. I miss laughing.
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