Sunday, July 9, 2023

random thoughts – Day 1,209 – (Sunday) – pockets and thrifts

Early this morning someone posted a message on Facebook to the effect of “good morning, it’s going to rain.”  I nearly dislocated my shoulder patting myself on the back for having mowed the lawn yesterday. I spent the morning waiting for the sound of rain, but it didn’t happen. This was quite ok with me. There was a lot of Sunday morning lounging about and phone calls with Mom and my sister as we formulate a plan to go shopping for outfits for the eldest niece's wedding in October.

Another day, another veggie pocket.
The obsession with veggie pockets continued. Since last Monday, there were eight meals of veggie pockets, with the last being lunch today. When I get on a food track, I really embrace the heck out of it.

In the afternoon, St Vincent de Paul Thrift Shop kept intruding in my thoughts. It was tugging at my brain and after an hour or two, I went. Sure enough, it was a jackpot day. There was no specific quest item, just a vague and general list of “things I could use” like summer blouses and the holy grail of 8.5-inch soup bowls.

Thank you St. Vincent de Paul
for the fabulous $16 haul.
The store was comfortably not crowded, and my attention was laser-focused on the two colors of tags on markdown – blue at half-off and green at 99 cents. The shopping vibes were favorable. After a couple laps through the store and adding carefully curated items to the cart, I left with two cotton blouses by Express, Vera Wang ankle length jeans, an olive cashmere sweater because winter happens every year and there can never be too much cashmere, a reversible satin baseball jacket in black and maroon because I seem to have an obsession with baseball jackets, and a like-new pair of tan suede bucks all for $16. 

The only “full price” item was the cashmere sweater at $4.75.  The shoes were 99-cents and spotted atop a children’s rack while trying on the tops over my tee shirt at one of the few mirrors in the store. Once I saw them, I couldn’t not get them.

The laundering process to remove the thrift store fragrance has begun, and most of the items are ready to flow into the wardrobe rotation. An equivalent number of items will flow to a donation pile. Eventually. These things sometimes take time.

A stop at Market Basket for more pita pockets will allow the salad pocket diet to continue. Tonight’s supper pocket, a repeat of the lunch pocket, featured feta cheese and kalamata olives. It will be interesting to see how long this food fixation lasts.

Preparing the trash for pickup tomorrow led to the realization that there are no more trash bags, prompting a trip to Family Dollar. While parking in the driveway, a flash flood alert displayed on the dashboard screen. It seems another storm is on the way. What a wet summer. I should probably be shopping for rain coats.

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