Saturday, May 20, 2023

random thoughts – Day 1,159 – (Saturday) – rain delay

Winston had a vet appointment, so it was up and at ‘em, and off to Fitchburg. There was more traffic on routes 495 and 2 than most Saturday mornings, but the ride was uneventful. Win was taken “out back” in the office and I could hear him yelp a couple times as I sat in the waiting room. 

The vet technician said he was nervous, and I get that. I get nervous at doctor offices and I can see where I am. They said he might be sore in his hips from his shots and tired. He sleeps most of the day, so there isn't really a way to tell if he is more tired that usual.

The lawn has grown to the point of needing another cutting, but the rain came and scrapped that idea. That was today's excuse. Other excuses this week included me being tired. And lazy. This is not a complaint, just a statement of fact.

Busy bird builder.
One of the back yard irises bloomed when I wasn’t looking. It’s taller and a lighter color than most of the other irises in the yard. 

The bird nest continues to be enhanced. It was extra flouffy today and is becoming quite the architectural marvel. One of the birds emerged from the rhododendron that is ready to explode with blossoms. It had a cluster of straw or feathery bits in its beak, and flew up to the nest.

When the rain came in harder, one bird perched on the upper edge of the storm window, the other on the wire from the telephone pole across the street, both sheltered by the overhang of the roof and just outside the nest, which was further expanded with green and dried grass and even bigger feathers.

Architectural marvel.
Hopefully the rain washed the pollen off the car. It had a coating on it that was the color of a fishing lure and seemed as solid as a fancy fondant on a cake. The puddle lake formed at the end of the driveway and the bottom of the stairs. 

Winston scratched the door to go out during a rainy moment but turned and went back inside once the rain hit him. Earlier, he got so wet from going potty that he looked like he’d just gotten out of the bathtub and I had to dry him with a towel. He was not amused.

Putting the day on a rain delay was nice. Even the indoor tasks got a pass. By carefully rationing the remaining chicken, the weekly purchase was delayed until tomorrow. 

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