Sunday, April 9, 2023

random thoughts – Day 1,118 – (Sunday) – Easter weekend

Saturday dessert.
Easter weekend had a lot of running around. There was a hair salon visit Saturday morning, scheduled 14 weeks earlier. My hair had been behaving beautifully the entire week leading to the appointment and I almost changed it a few days prior. The calendar had other ideas. It would be another four or five weeks before I had a Saturday opening, so the appointment went as scheduled.

The hair trim was followed by shopping for items for a fundraiser gift basket, Easter tulips, and a few grocery items. After a 2.5-hour break, it was time to change into something festive and head to the Khmer New Year dinner celebration which included overeating and a pretty dessert and fun. 

Saturday night featured weird dreams and waking up a couple times, which is the new norm. When Easter morning arrived, there were still a couple things that had been floating in my head and seemed to have escaped undone. The worst was never getting the Easter card into the mail to my niece who lives in Vegas.

In the car wash.
There was Sunday morning coffee drinking and a banana for breakfast while doing the homework for Monday’s Finnish class. Then it was time to dress and blast out the door. Along the preferred route to Fitchburg, the $5 car wash was open with no long line so I pulled in for a wash. It had been months since the last wash, and the last time I was near there the line was forever long and clogging the street. 

The gas tank was filled at the station across the street from the car wash and then there was a quick visit at my sister’s house to drop off tulips for her and cards for my nieces. We chatted for a bit, and suddenly I realized I was going to be late for Mom's.

From my sister’s house, it was a drive a couple towns over to Mom’s. I brought her some tulips and we had dinner. Our after-dinner entertainment was Scrabble, the usual activity when we visit. The day flew by, and the next thing I knew it was time to get back into the car to drive home. Mom sent me with leftovers for the already overcrowded freezer.

Back at The BungaLowell, the usual nonsense was happening. A Prime truck blocked the street and my driveway, and I sat patiently in the road waiting for the driver to move. I think he was contemplating life or rearranging the contents of the truck, because it was a long wait. The worst part was he wasn't even delivering to my house, just blocking my access to it. 

Inside, the Sunday chores awaited. At least I was full from dinner and didn't need to deal with supper. The trash was bagged and the bin rolled to the curb. Laundry was done. The dishwasher was run. Then there were some extra tasks – framing an image for a show. Organizing a basket for a fundraiser for the weekend of back-to-back events later in the month. Many other tasks and chores went undone. 

And just like that, the weekend is over. Sigh.

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