Sunday, January 22, 2023

random truths – Day 1,041 (Sunday) – adulting

There was a loose plan to recognize Lunar Year, after having been less than well on the Gregorian New Year. There was a Lunar New Year festival at Lowell City Hall plaza with a dragon dance, but when the time to go there arrived, it was ruled out.

The Bungalowell party for one didn’t require a lot of planning. In the past several weeks, various frozen Korean foods had been found at Trader Joe’s and Family Dollar. 

Lunar New year dinner for one.
From the plentiful dinner options, the last scallion pancake was cooked, along with the most recent acquisition, steamed Korean dumplings. The dumplings are so easy to prepare. It takes one minute and 45 seconds in the microwave to steam the tray of six dumplings. The scallion pancake took about eight minutes in the frying pan. The stockpile of chopsticks from the silverware drawer was tapped for dining utensils. It's easier than trying to find the real ones brought home from Korea, plus I'm not sure of the proper care of jade or fancy wood chopsticks.

Forget chain restaurants, this is my preferred version of fast food. If only everything was this quick, easy, and tasty. 

The fast food prep left lots of time to clean up the kitchen which had been neglected the past few days. There were two saucepans in the sink, along with every steak knife, each used to cut chicken for Win’s meals. The pots don’t fit into the dishwasher, and I don’t put the sharp knives in there.  

There were no clean coffee cups or spoons, so the contents of the dishwasher were rearranged (another hobby) and it was run. Drinking coffee in the morning and herbal tea at night uses a lot of mugs. Winston is on an antibiotic for his bad teeth and gums. The dosage is half of an unscored tablet, which requires a sharp knife to cut. The spoons were all used to get the peanut butter from the jar and embed the pill half to give him the pill. We sure dirty a lot of dishes.

There are three or four fortune cookies left from a bag bought several weeks ago. Tonight's fortune read, "Never bring unhappy feelings into your home." Ok. That doesn't feel like a fortune, and I wonder where I'm supposed to leave those feelings. 

This is the cycle of life at The BungaLowell – some form of cooking, eating, dirtying a bunch of dishes, cleaning up the mess, and trying to decipher odd tidbits of advice. Adult life can be very repetitive.

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