Thursday, March 31, 2022

“Remoted – Hybrid” – Day 752 (Thursday) – time off

A mid-week decision to take a couple vacation days means that it’s calendar Thursday but also my Friday. The best Thursday night might be a Thursday-Friday. A four-day stretch of freedom lies ahead with time off to goof off. A bottle of wine was opened to celebrate. The last of the fried onion rings were added. The combination is not as good as imagined. Lesson learned.

Of course, per the usual pattern of things, there are no plans. Not solid ones, anyway, beyond dance on Sunday and a dermatologist appointment at the butt crack of dawn on Monday. The rest of the calendar is open for quests (trips to accomplish a task), adventures (trips without a destination), and journeys (when the trip is more important than the destination). 

Wine and fried onions. 
Much like when I played World of Warcraft, I tend to specialize in solo quests. Adventures are more fun with an accomplice and are rarely undertaken by me, mostly due to the lack of accomplices. Trips without a destination feel like a waste of gas and time. As for journeys, if life is a journey, that one is an everyday occurrence. Or is it “Life is a highway”?

One potential quest in the idea phase is getting a new phone. This one has been cooking in the cranium and also been on the back burner for months. As much as it pains me, and it pains me greatly to shell out money for a phone every few years, it seems to be time. The current phone has no room for apps, and as existing apps need upgrades which turn out to be larger than the originals and won’t fit, then another app is tossed upon the sacrificial fires. It is problematic.

Another potential quest is visiting a short list of thrift shops with limited hours of operations for some Holy Grail items. Other quest items include various gardening supplies, new paint for the bathroom, and new mini blinds for the office. There are art studio open houses. Shopping trips might be taken for boring but necessary life maintenance items like cotton swabs and makeup remover wipes.  There could be excavations in the spare/guest room to seek the box of souvenirs and decorative items brought back from Korea and Mummu’s knitting needles just because it seems important to know where they are.

Maybe there will be fanciful lounging about like a wealthy person of eras gone by. This practice will be in anticipation of the long-awaited days when I can be a person of leisure (aka “retired”) so I can hit the ground running. Or, more accurately, laying on a sofa.

For now, it’s a glorious stretch of possibility. With wine.

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