Saturday, March 5, 2022

“Remoted – Hybrid” – Day 726 (Saturday) – lost time

Potential afternoon events.
The day had loose plans. Out in the real world, there was a National Park Service walk downtown and open studios at Western Ave Studios happening in the afternoon. These were fun activities in the time before the pandemic and the socially sanctioned hermit lifestyle, although, even back then the fun was tempered when attended alone.

This morning, while chugging coffee, time was invested in researching local music stores in search of zills, and three local music stores were messaged on Facebook to ask if they sold them. There are multiple known sources to buy them online, but this was a deliberate effort to shop local. Unfortunately, none of the local shops contacted sell them. I’ve been looking at them online for years, and the biggest hesitation is that I can’t touch them and feel the weight in my hand and check the tone.

Abandon and save.
Project zills took a larger chunk of the day than ever anticipated, partly due to a slow computer and also clearly an example of the rule that “work expands to fill the time allotted.” Suddenly it was past the appointed time for the downtown guided walk. Before long, it was also too late to attend the open studios without racing across town and then through the building. And then it was time to make supper. Tonight’s culinary feat was a sauté of mushroom, onion, broccoli, carrot, and spinach with salmon. It was tasty. 

And then whole day and half of the night, like so many before it, was just gone. Done. Lost. With not a lot to show for it. The dishwasher was run. There was an attempt to repair the latest pull in the favorite sweater that happened when the zipper teeth on the snow coat pulled it after shoveling the other week. Stuff was put in the recycle bin. Things were loaded into online shopping carts at Kohl’s, Saroyan Mastercrafts, and Bellydance-dot-com. Then they were abandoned. So much money is saved that way. All the fun of shopping without the bills and delivery boxes.

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