Wednesday, March 23, 2022

“Remoted – Hybrid” – Day 744 (Wednesday) – daily routine

Who is a good boy?
The usual morning routine was in force – out of bed at 6:15, and put the dog outside. While he’s outside, food is measured into his bowl and the coffee is started. A shower was followed by the usual office day attire-induced stress which is largely the result of the ill effects of the new dual hobbies of overeating and rarely exercising. 

The first attempt to coax and cajole Winston to eat his food flowed into the time suck of conditioning freshly shampooed hair and then combing, blow drying, and taming it with a curling iron. At 7:15, it was realized that not a drop of coffee had yet been poured for consumption. So much precious coffee drinking time lost. 

After a hurried chugging of half the cup of coffee, the second attempt to get Winston to eat commenced. It’s important he eats when I am home for the timing of his insulin, which is a daily stressor. For me, anyway. Winston seems oblivious.

Lunch at the desk.
Wordle was played. A Duolingo Finnish lesson was completed. Three dances were practiced in preparation for an April performance. Lunch of rice with black beans, chicken, and queso was assembled. Winston was let outside once more, and pee pads were laid on the floor in his absence.

Upon his re-entry, Winston was tricked into a pee band lined with a toddler diaper against the soundtrack of apologies (“I’m sorry Winnie, I know you hate this, I hate it, too. Who is a good boy? Winnie is a good boy!”). This was followed with a cookie. 

Suddenly, it was 8:00, the designated time to dash out the door, and half a pot of coffee was still on the counter. The usual departure lies were dispensed, followed by a truth (“I’ll be right back. See you soon. Have a good day, and no parties. I love you, Winnie.”). And then I was headed out to the world downtown.

Nearly nine full hours after arriving, the end of the work day suddenly snuck up on me after a busy day in a busy week in a busy month and year. Upon arrival home, the nightly routine kicked in with disposing of the dog poo on the puppy pads. For a blind dog, he is very good at sticking the landing on the pads. After the disposal operation, it’s upstairs to greet Winston at the landing and liberate him from his heavy, wet diaper.

Tonight, as has happened once before (that I am aware of), on the way down the stairs, he missed a step and slid down on his stomach. I was in front of him, which slowed his slide, and the carpeting provided cushioning. Poor doggy. It was stressful. Again, for me. Winston seemed oblivious.

His supper is devoured with the same energy with which Winston ignores his breakfast. Then it’s time for me to assemble my own supper before retiring to the couch with Netflix, the laptop, and the nightly writing. Winston often curls up in his bed, where he often stays until he arises around 9:30 to let me know it’s time to get ready for bed. The Canine Overlord is an excellent buddy and also an excellent timekeeper.

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