Thursday, March 3, 2022

“Remoted – Hybrid” – Day 724 (Thursday) – coping mechanism

A couple weeks ago I signed up for a webinar about the Battle of Hastings through Mirthy. It took place at 6:30 am and I watched/listened to it while getting ready for work. One the Presidents Day holiday I took a belly dance workshop, followed later in the week by lectures on “History of Women in Mens’ Clothing” and “Chloroform: Sense and Insensibility” about the development of anesthesia. When I first saw the listing, I misread it and thought it was a discussion about the Jane Austen novel Sense and Sensibility, which of course, it was not, but it was really interesting.

The programs are recorded and available to for seven days after the event, and knowing that, I ambitiously signed up for several more. There was another belly dance class, an installment of an ongoing “The Anglo-Saxon History Series” and “Romance and Second Chances: Exploring 'Persuasion' by Jane Austen” (finally!). I couldn’t attend a couple of them during the original airing because they were during the workday, but the link with the recording would arrive shortly after the original event so the plan was to watch them in the evening.

The Dark Ages await.
It turned out I forgot about all of them, including the one at 6:00 this morning, which was remembered at 6:30. It looks like the weekend will be occupied with belly dance, Anglo-Saxons, and Jane Austen because I neglected to remember to start on them after work today, too.

Instead, I migrated to Netflix and watched the movie The Weekend Away. The other night it was Kimi with Zoe Kravitz on HBOMax that drew me in. Both are really good suspense movies. There were also episodes of The Righteous Gemstones to break up the crime stuff with some delightful dark comedy.

All the shows have been valuable diversions and much needed escape from the troubling news and the recent boring adult stuff like tax returns. Sometimes, tuning out the world is needed to cope. And I really look forward to booking a staycation so I can take online classes, watch movies, and read all day every day.

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