Tuesday, December 28, 2021

“Remoted – Hybrid” – Day 652 (Tuesday)

The after supper nap.
The traffic going to work was an easy ride, and it was good. The work day was tolerable, the office was quiet. The vet office called in the morning and a 5:00 appointment was scheduled for Winston to have the glucose monitor checked. 

I bolted from the office a little early, scooped up Winston, and we were off on another driving adventure. Luckily, the afternoon traffic was also not horrible. The plan was to get gas while in Fitchburg, where the prices are usually lower than Lowell.

There was a short wait, during which Winston sniffed nearly every square inch of the waiting room floor that he could reach while on the leash. He seemed unaware of a cat staring at him from a carrier for several minutes. A tech finally came to bring him to an exam room and the sensor was changed out. 

When the doctor came out to the waiting room where I sat, she had the first sensor in her hand. She said the sensor pin was bent, she’d never seen anything like it before, and had no idea how or when it happened. It’s a puzzle. I welcomed her to my world, where, if something can go wacky it will. She seemed to find comfort in this.

Back at home, I realized I had not gone to the gas station. I was hungry and had become fixated on what the supper options might be and forgot about getting gas. At least Winton's food is always easy. The clock showed that an hour had passed for the sensor to set, so I held my breath and scanned the sensor. Instead of an error message there was a digit. An actual number. This is real progress. After supper, Winston napped while I worked on the still incomplete puzzle. The jigsaw puzzle on the dining table, not the bent sensor mystery or the case of forgetting to get gas.

Now the task is to remember to scan the sensor every eight hours or so for the next two weeks to gather the info. Considering I forgot to get gas, the outlook is fuzzy on the success of the monitor readings.

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