Monday, December 27, 2021

“Remoted – Hybrid” – Day 651 (Monday)

Winston models his hew shirt.
A Monday vacation day is usually the best kind of Monday. The alarm was given the day off and Winston and I slept until after 7:00 this morning, and only woke up because the recycling truck was outside emptying bins. The late sleep was at least partially due to the leisurely late afternoon nap and then staying up too late Sunday night.  

The sleeping late was quite possibly the success story of the day. Being a vacation day in my world meant it included a trip to my most frequent couples vacation destination. Yes indeed, Winston and I had a day trip to the vet.

The 12:45 appointment, unfortunately timed to dominate the entire day, was to have a glucose monitor installed to track Winston’s glucose for two weeks. The instructions given to me are to take a reading approximately every eight hours. The first reading could be done in about an hour when the sensor would be ready. Winston has a nice new tee shirt to wear over the monitor, and he looks mighty fine.

We took the 45-minute ride and got settled back at home around 2:00.  After a few minutes, the first reader was turned on to take the fist reading. Instead of a glucose number, it read “No active sensor.” It also suggested checking the application of the sensor, removing it, and applying a new one, and/or starting the sensor again. There is no additional sensor to apply so it was Plan B, the “start the sensor again” option, a command on the reader. A message said the sensor would be ready in about an hour.

Too bad the sensor
isn't "active."

One hour later, the sensor reading was tried, and failed and restarted. It was tried again in another hour. The vet was called, but unfortunately, there was nobody there who could help. This all fits the model. A colleague constantly remarks that I have the worst luck of anyone he knows. I used to accept that it was just things that happen in my life, but now, I'm starting to believe the crappy luck thing. 

The good news is, I can “come back first thing in the morning” to have the sensor checked. This is not helpful. The vet’s “first thing in the morning” coincides with my work start time. And yes, 45 minutes away. Once again, this human is regretting not changing to a vet closer to home. It is also time to re-evaluate the vacation day planning and entertainment. Maybe that should be New Year’s resolution number one. 

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