Thursday, December 2, 2021

“Remoted – Hybrid” – Day 626 (Thursday)

The side of the office where I sit was deserted today, except for me. It was as quiet as my house, and it was mostly good. Many exciting words on riveting banking topics were written, and some were forwarded to a business line officer for review. The rest of it will be reviewed by me with fresh eyes on Friday and then be sent along for review. Those were the day's highlights. The lowlight of the day was that it dragged on forever. Time stood still and refused to budge. As X2 used to say (and probably still does) it "moved slower than pond scum."

Smokestack tree at dusk, from
 the office, with reflections.
In keeping with the trend set yesterday when I succumbed to the Siren’s call and consumed a million bite-sized Snickers, many were consumed again today. There is one left. I am not proud of this. The basket of apples and pears on the counter at work has remained untouched by me. As much as my personal preference is for fruits baked in a tasty treat like pie or crisp, there is also a woeful lack of interest in the effort required to produce said pie or a crisp, despite having all ingredients on hand. It used to be fun, but now just feels like extra work.

Late in the afternoon, dark comes quickly. Outside the office window, the holiday lights can be seen on Merrimack Street, outlining City Hall, and on the  Wannalancit smokestack, which each year is adorned with more than 5,000 lights. I drive past the building with the smokestack on the way home, and if I turn my head at the right spot about halfway down my street and look between the houses, the smokestack can be seen. The three story houses on my side of street probably have a nice view from the upper floors, but the view from my small house is blocked by trees and taller homes. 

There was energy after work to produce an actual food supper of ravioli in a pesto sauce with shrimp. Enough ravioli was cooked to have some for lunch on Friday, and as long as I remember to take the lunch with me to work, it will be good. And thank goodness tomorrow is Friday.

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