Thursday, December 16, 2021

“Remoted – Hybrid” – Day 640 (Thursday)

It was a sick day spent swaddled in fleece and sleeping under two blankets on the couch. The couch eliminates the stairs and is closer to the door if Winston needed to go out. He matched my zero-energy level on the couch under the blankets with me.

Flowers and Finnish coffee.
Twice during the afternoon, there was an assertive rap on the door. The first time, it was a man delivering an arrangement of flowers and evergreens in a holiday container. An hour or two later, it was the same delivery man with two bricks of Finnish coffee in a bag that he had forgotten to deliver with the flowers the first time. Let me repeat … Finnish coffee! And the festive arrangement mean now the house is decorated and I can skip setting up trees after all. Not that I'm lazy, but ... perhaps "disinterested" in decorating is more accurate.

It was the kind of sick that included a stomach doing cartwheels and it was 4:30 before food held even the slightest bit of interest. Two slices of toast with butter became lunch/supper. After resettling under the blankets on the infirmary couch, one of the downstairs detectors began to chirp. Poor Winston trembled after the second chirp, and I was less than thrilled at the idea of climbing the stepstool to change the battery after having a headache and feeling dizzy all day. Luckily, the battery change was quick, but Winston took a bit longer to stop shaking.

The mailbox was full today and included a Harry & David catalog, which have me wondering what the gift basket companies are thinking sending the catalogs so late. Yesterday’s catalog was from Wine Country, a company with wine, cheese, and snacks from which I received a gift basket last year. It seemed smart sending a catalogue to previous gift recipients, but it came too late to be helpful. Christmas shopping at The BungaLowell has been done for nearly two weeks, so thanks, but I’m all set. Had the catalogs arrived sooner, they might have been contenders for the holiday shopping dollars.

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