Monday, December 13, 2021

“Remoted – Hybrid” – Day 637 (Monday)

Online food orders were recently placed. One was an acceleration of the prescription dog food auto-ship when I realized the kibble reserve was getting low and the next shipment was still a few weeks out. It’s been hard to gauge the timing. Sometimes the eight-pound bag was bought from the vet, because it was all they had, and  other times it's been the 17-pound bag, and never was it noted when and how much I bought and how long it lasted. Hopefully, I’ll get the timing down so the auto-ship can be truly automatic.

Produce restock.
The other online order was a bit more accidental. After seeing Misfits Market ads everywhere and realizing I hadn’t ordered from there since July, I went into the site to poke around. The boxes used to be sent automatically, but now the items for the order have to be selected like a grocery store delivery order. For several months I had ignored the emails that it was time to order, and one day I realized they had stopped coming.

A cart was built on Friday night (the glamorous single life), which I intended to revisit to either edit or cancel (general lack of commitment). Sunday, my email included an order confirmation saying my delivery would arrive Monday. Oops. I didn’t think I had finalized that order, but it was too late now.

Late on Sunday, there were emails saying that the deliveries would be delayed until Tuesday (my produce) and Wednesday (Winston’s dog food). All good. The reserves weren't that low.

This morning, there were text messages from FedEx that the orders were “out for delivery.” I wanted to believe it, but last Friday and a couple times earlier in the week I received FedEx notices that a package was arriving Friday which had already delivered on Monday. It seems like nobody knows what is going on these days, including (especially?) me.

A noise outside around 10:45 this morning had Winston barking at the door. It was the FedEx driver leaving the food deliveries for both human and Canine Overlord inside the porch. 

Now it’s time to get busy with some cooking plans. The order is mostly random stuff that I had fully intended to revisit and revise and didn't think I had actually ordered. It felt smart getting the cubed butternut squash for the time and effort saved, but now there are no seeds to roast, and I probably need to use it a lot sooner than if it was uncut. And the bonus was that none of the produce was broken, which was a recurring problem and one reason I stopped ordering for a while.

The order included cranberries with the word "Patience" in big letters on the bag, and also a free trial box of Good Karma Unsweetened Flax Milk, which will be fun to figure out what to do with. I have no idea what flax milk is, or even flax.  Kitchen adventure awaits. Hopefully, patience and good karma reign. 

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