Monday, December 6, 2021

“Remoted – Hybrid” – Day 630 (Monday)

The new socks are here, the new socks are here!

Being an adult sure has changed me. In my 20s, free time was spent studying the high-end jewelry ads and memorizing the names and collections of the top designers and the supermodels who posed in them. A well-dressed life of wealth, prestige, and world travel with a dashing and handsome partner was imagined. 

New socks!

Real life didn’t work out quite that way. There were a couple dashing and handsome men and there was some exciting travel, just not lately. Overall, it’s been a reasonably modest life, but still reasonably well-dressed. The Tennessee years allowed for fleeting moments of prestige and recognition, but the time before and after that chapter has been a life of mostly quiet anonymity.

At least my socks are always new. And six brand new pairs arrived today, which is pretty darned good. 

It turns out a Ferrari or multi-carat diamond ring and an expensive designer wardrobe are not required for happiness. It can be a lot simpler and less expensive. Sometimes all that is needed is a handsome Canine Overlord companion and some new socks.

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