Monday, July 27, 2020

“Remoted” – Workday 97 /Day 133 (Monday)

Today made up for all those awful Mondays that dragged on forever. It flew by. Work was steady busy all day and the next thing I knew it was 1:30 and I hadn’t even thought about lunch. Then, suddenly it was past 4:00. The weirdest part is that it wasn’t just me. A colleague sent a message asking how it was so suddenly after 4:00. It’s fascinating to me how when the time flies (or drags) it happens to bunches of us.

Kale salad.
Once upon a different lifetime, I worked for a company that made time and attendance systems and fire detection equipment. In orientation and during my six years there, I learned about master timekeeping systems with punch clocks that integrate with payroll accounting programs. During those years, and sometimes even now, I often envisioned “The Master Timekeeper” – a faceless, shapeless prankster of the Universe that would alter time at whim by expanding or compressing it. Time could be gooey like taffy and stretch and stretch forever, or shrink and dissolve quickly like cotton candy in your mouth. Sometimes the Master Timekeeper would jump the clock ahead, other times it would be stopped dead.

After work it was time to play with the greens and I don't mean a golf course. Kale salad was the supper plan, which involved massaging the kale with olive oil. Talk about playing with your food. Until about a year ago, I knew nothing about kale beyond it being the weird green stuff in the Edible Arrangements that was always tossed into the trash. Now I find myself choosing it for my produce deliveries, and doing things like cutting it into strips and massaging it gently with oil for salad. Sometimes it's roasted in large pieces, or done in a sauté or starring in a soup. All those years I didn’t know about kale. So much time lived unaware of such a wonderful green leafy vegetable. At least I know now. 

Moosie under the couch
cover cracked me up.
The evening was comfortable with the gentlest of breezes blowing. I might not have noticed if I hadn’t finally realized after supper that I never watered the deck plants in the morning. Or did I? Who knows. It's hard to keep track. In any event, they were watered tonight, possibly for the second time today, and I noticed how nice it was. After work, I parked myself in a deck chair, and relaxed on the deck. The party house across the street had a loud pool party going on, but tonight’s dance club music selections were far superior to the raunchy sex songs they usually blast. The hour spent on the deck was more of the gooey, luxurious time and a lovely contrast to the pace of the workday. It was tempting to stay out there all night, but you, know, there was stuff to do.

Moose managed to entertain me by burrowing and wriggling underneath the couch cover. He's tried to do it before, and tonight, for the first time in four years, he succeeded in getting himself completely under it. He went in head first and then managed to turn himself around. After all the effort, he lasted about two minutes and then he was fighting his way back out. The whole ordeal struck me as funny, but I don't know why. This must just be one of those nights where I'm easily entertained. 

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