Thursday, July 9, 2020

“Remoted” – Workday 85 /Day 115 (Thursday)

Another Thursday / Friday with another vacation day tomorrow. It was another productive day of work where things were wrapped up, uploaded, and crossed off the list. The dogs were quiet little canine saints most of the day and let me work in peace. We seem to have settled firmly into a Groundhog Day (the movie!) groove, and today was a lot of more of the same. 

My pups being cute.
The only thing out of the ordinary about the day happened just after 5:00 while Moose and Winston were eating their dinner and I was wrapping things up at the desk. A critter came down the yard from behind the shed. It wasn’t one of the usual backyard critters. Not bunny, not groundhog, not skunk nor bird. It was a dog, but not one of mine. It was one of the matching black and white maybe-Boston Terriers from the yard behind mine. One or the other or both, it’s hard to tell because they look alike, tries to crawl under the fence separating our yards. Today one of them succeeded.

Several weeks ago, when next-door Neighbor Gal and I were chatting over the old wire fence, the Backyard Boys were out in their yard, with one furiously attempting to tunnel under the fence and breach the barrier of rocks and lattice that had been installed to fill the space between ground and fence. She told me one of them was nasty and mean. When I went out to close the gate to make sure the uninvited visitor didn’t wander out of my yard and get lost, the little brat came at me, growling and barking. Lucky me, it was the nasty one in my yard. Backyard Neighbor called for "Sam!" from her back door, and I yelled back that he was in my yard. Meanwhile, Backyard Boy was walking all over the yard, peeing and marking.

Our houses are back to back at the end of dead-end streets and the yards are separated by fences, so it took a couple minutes for Neighbor Doggy Mom to walk up to the connecting cross road, then down to my house to collect her mischief maker, but not long enough for me to get the idea to stop talking to the visitor dog and get my phone from the house to take a picture of the invader. Oh well. We will all have to imagine what he looks like. Pointy ears, no tail to speak of, black and white markings, solid little guy. Now that he’s breached the security and we humans don’t know exactly how, he’ll probably be back. 

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