Tuesday, July 7, 2020

“Remoted” – Workday 83 /Day 113 (Tuesday)

Work was relatively stress free and productive, as evidenced by items crossed off the to-do list. The day had a strong start, and kept going. 

After work and outside the house, some bricks were pulled up and stacked neatly, and more lilies and irises were dug up in preparation of the upcoming front yard fence post hole digging. This marks progress on the personal chores front, but the list of things not done is still considerably longer and seems to keep growing. When I sleep, the elves or gnomes or fairy godmother will magically show up and handle the tasks, right? I read dozens of stories as a kid where that was how it worked, and I think it must be my turn soon. Prince Charming or the modern equivalent is also long overdue. 

The digging and pulling apart of lilies was strenuous enough to break a tiny sweat, so it also counts as exercise. While separating the clumps I sprayed myself in the face with dirt twice and managed to fill my shoes with dirt several times. Combined with the sweat, it was almost like a fancy spa mud bath. I think. It's what I told myself.

Lobster cream sauce pasta.
The working and digging were satisfying, but the true highlight of the day was the food. Lunch was a leftover feast from Monday’s supper – pasta with a lobster, tomato, white wine cream sauce and parmesan. It was better as a leftover because the flavors melded nicely overnight. Supper was an effort to use vegetables from last week’s produce box before they become yucky. It was a quickly made stir fry of zucchini, yellow squash, radish, radish greens, mushroom, and onion with balsamic vinegar and olive oil. Pasta and parmesan cheese were tossed in, and it was quite yummy. The past several months of staying at home are cultivating a habit of fine dining at the BungaLowell. 

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