Sunday, July 12, 2020

“Remoted” – Day 118 (Sunday)

The front fencing install has begun.
The front yard fence is going in. Neighbor Guy started it Saturday. Much like the other fencing he installed at his own yard and between our yards, the first post hole was easy, later ones were wretched. At the site of the recent and horrible battle of the hosta removal, the hole digging was impeded by what turned out to be a very large cluster of three big rocks cemented together. There was a temptation to hose down the earth tumor, plant some flowers and bark mulch around it and call it a piece of yard art. I’ve seen worse available for sale with ridiculous price tags attached. Unfortunately, Neighbor Guy is supremely efficient and the stone clump was promptly spirited away before I could plan an art project around it. 

It will be nice to be able to let the dogs out to the front yard without danger of them wandering off. Soon enough. The only downside will be shoveling the driveway with a four foot barrier to the snow throwing area.

While Neighbor Guy was toiling in the heat and humidity with the fence, I was inside wrapping up a binge of eight full seasons of Letterkenny on hulu which I began Friday evening. This exhibits either incredible focus, that I am easily entertained, or I currently have a very limited range of interest. I don’t know why that show amused me like it did, but the constant word games between the characters is amusing and the character Wayne is nice to look at, especially from behind in his jeans. But I digress.

This needs a better solution.
In addition to the entertainment of Letterkenny, there was the online shopping for provisions, and hours of deliberation over the available options for “narrow shelving” and trust me, there are dozens of styles of shelving in widths from 5 inches to 10 inches that can roll in and out of the space between a refrigerator and a wall or other small spaces. There are units in plastic, metal, wood, and mixed materials in price points from $19.99 to hundreds of dollars. It became overwhelming, like so many other online shopping excursions and I finally just had to stop. There are now nine versions of “narrow shelving” in my Amazon list. 

It would be easier if there were one model that fit the bill, but they are either taller than the counter it will reside beside, or much too low, or a couple inches too deep and would be hit when opening the adjoining cabinet door. So complicated. All I want is a solution for storing the liquor bottles currently atop the buffet, along with the olive oil and other cooking oils, and to store the spices that are presently jammed in a cabinet. It’s a nightmare each time I need a spice, and the olive oil and vinegar bottles eat up precious counter space because they are too tall to fit with the cabinet shelving. It has been easier to just keep buying spices than to locate the ones previously procured. Some day it will be sorted out. Soon. 

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