Monday, June 29, 2020

“Remoted” – Workday 77 / Day 105 (Monday)

Once upon a time, there were work programs on the work computer that worked without effort and tasks were completed with ease. There have been technology glitches recently, and Mercury retrograde is getting all the blame, no matter how misguided. It’s frustrating when you know what the programs can do, and then suddenly they don’t work or worse, have just up and disappeared.

Recently, it was Adobe Acrobat. There used to be a version of it on my work computer that allowed me to make editing notes and comments, make actual copy edits in documents, and save a PDF as another file type. This meant any time I needed a JPG file of an ad or a sign graphic, usually to insert into a Powerpoint overview or an email template, I didn’t need to bother our graphic designer for it. A couple weeks ago, it suddenly reverted to the basic Reader version with which I have been periodically and randomly cursed.  After filing a service ticket, it was upgraded again, but not to whatever version I used to have. The half-assed thing I have now requires me to save the file on my desktop, open up the Adobe program, then open the file in the program. It takes about 275 steps to do something that used to take one step. Of course, I forgot about the 274 extra steps today when I needed to convert a PDF to a JPG, but it’s fun to swear.

Today was the day to set up an email message that needs to go out in a day or so. The approved language was ready and went into the template in a snap thanks to copy/paste. So far, so good, but I know better than to get too comfortable. When I tried to add the header graphic, it was a waiting game starring a spinning circle and a message reading “loading” for a couple minutes before I bailed. The program was opened from another browser. No dice. I tried it again through the original browser, curious to see if it would ever work. It was "loading" for ten minutes and never actually loaded before I gave up. Bailing out of the work system and trying from my personal computer worked exactly like it is supposed to, which suggested it wasn’t the program, just the access channel. That meant another service ticket. I’m getting really good at opening service tickets.

Supper was yummy.
Email technology wasn’t the only quirk today. After work, there was a wi-fi connection issue on a different device requiring troubleshooting and a restart. And right before that, a neighbor knocked on my back door to tell me that our mailman, who just left her house, had told her mother, who lives upstairs, that he just learned he tested positive for COVID-19, but he’s “going to keep doing his route.” What the hell? Even if he just meant today, that feels pretty damned reckless. Neighbor is fuming and said she’s calling the Post Office. This is the same mail carrier that would deliver the mail on foot, then drive back and park the mail truck to go hang out upstairs at the Nuisance Party House. He seemed reckless and as much as I hated being judgey, I also hated touching my mail. Thanks to the USPS advance email notifications, I know that usually nothing very exciting is being delivered, and often leave it in the mailbox for a day or two before fetching it.

My Monday was a bit screwy, but the dogs were adorable all day and supper was a success. Yesterday’s leftover sautéed eggplant, tomatoes, and mushroom was today tossed with farfalle, sautéed onion, and feta cheese for a perfect supper on a gray and drizzly day. So yummy. 

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