Tuesday, June 2, 2020

“Remoted” – Workday 58 / Day 78 (Tuesday)

My phone has died approximately every 1.5 hours today. Open the camera, it dies. It hits 50% battery power, it dies. Receive a text, it dies. It was active long enough to receive a call from the dentist’s office today changing the appointment that was changed yesterday (fourth time? fifth time scheduling it? I’ve lost count). Friday vacation day is now free and clear, so “pretend to be a tourist in my own town” day is now wide open. Woo hoo! More likely, I’ll think about a lot of other things to do but probably won’t.

Working from home at a desk facing the back yard has provided a great view of the sunlight out there during the day, and now I know why some of the earlier plantings are not doing well. It’s inspiring a new plan for plantings and a renewed desire for ferns. I have a few potential spots in mind, and now I just need to get my hands on some. The mail order places ship them in the fall for planting, but I want them now. Right now. Need to strike while the interest in planting is hot. By fall, I’ll likely be on to other things, have totally forgotten the plan, or be too busy (it could happen, but let’s be real, “too lazy” is much more likely).

Online Scrabble and
something on the telly.
The tinnitus with which I am blessed is super loud and extra high-pitched screechy today, and ripping through my head. I have no idea why some days it’s barely noticeable and I can forget about it, and other times it stretches for days at maximum volume. 

In any event, tonight is an attempt at relaxing, at least as much as possible when my teeth are on edge and I want to jam a knitting needle through my head from ear to ear to skewer and kill the noise inside. It’s a night of researching ferns and bulbs, online Scrabble, and Netflix with the TV turned up to “old deaf person who refuses to use hearing aid” level in an effort to hear it through the freeking screech. With luck, tomorrow won't be as bad.

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