Sunday, June 28, 2020

“Remoted” – Day 104 (Sunday)

The busy, active Saturday was followed by a mostly do-nothing Sunday. There was thought invested into certain activities which were then not done. After the extra effort required to dig up irises with the tiny trowel, a proper gardening shovel was shopped for online (again). It could be had for $12.99 from the hardware store around the corner just by pushing the payment button and going to fetch it at curbside pickup, but the payment and pickup parts didn’t happen (again).

There was the usual breakfast, lunch, supper, catering to the canines, and a lot of Netflix. A couple movies were followed by a binge session of the recent remake of Dynasty, which is really, really stupid. Why do so many shows about the wealthy involve so many murders? It’s so unrealistic, but I can’t stop watching. There are some good lines now and then, like this one delivered by Fallon Carrington at the Thanksgiving dinner scene with a woman holding the family at gunpoint: “I’m sorry my family is so screwed up. I mean if my Dad had believed Steven about the whole Willy thing, and participation trophy wife over here had been honest about Matthew, maybe this Norman Rockwell holiday wouldn’t have turned so Norman Bates.” Hahahaha.

Current wine "rack".
In the latest chapter of “other first-world problems and leisure,” an “elegant and modern” oak wine rack which promises to “dress up [my] décor” was ordered. It can be used vertical or horizontal, and holds up to 11 bottles. This will help with the too many bottles of wine recently delivered. The 12 bottle “Essentials Collection” on special for $119 with shipping included was a better value than six bottles for $79 plus $10 shipping, so the 12 bottles were ordered. Now several of the bottles are sitting on the dining room table, stacked two high in the cardboard packing trays, along with the glamorous, glossy flash cards describing some of them. At the rate I drink wine, I’m probably all set with wine until next summer. I still have beer in the refrigerator from last year’s Christmas Eve party, soju from last summer, and champagne from a couple years ago. This pandemic has me buying stuff I might not actually need. 

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