Sunday, August 25, 2024

random thoughts – Day 1,621 – (Sunday) – soul satisfying

In the ongoing joke of the Universe, after months of not a lot to do on a Sunday, tonight was one of those dates with multiple events competing for calendar space. The battle was between a belly dance showcase in Natick, or a Cambodian dance troupe performance in Lowell. Because it's the cusp of my own dance lesson and performance season, the belly dancers won for inspiration and motivation.  

Common Street Spiritual Center.
Entering the Common Street Spiritual Center, located across the street from an idyllic park with a gazebo and sweeping lawn, the sounds of The Drum Nomads drumming group set the mood for the evening. Sunshine through the stained glass skylights cast reflections on the opposite ceiling section. 

It was fun seeing some familiar dancers on stage and in the audience. The dancing was a mix of styles presented by soloists and groups against a red stage curtain. The stage itself is gorgeous. The beautiful floor is wide and deep and large enough for groups. I couldn't help comparing it to stages I've danced on that were very shallow.

There was so much talent on stage I couldn’t choose a favorite artist or dance. There were a couple dancers with sinewy and amazing snake arms and undulations that looked like they had no bones. One  dancer performed with double swords. One troupe did some incredible fan and shawl work and another did basket work with interesting floor patterns. There were ruffles and hair flowers, silk veils and props, rhinestones and sparkles, costumes in earth tones and jewel tones.

Drummers and dancers.
Overall, it was a visually appealing, entertaining, and soul-satisfying night. There was a chance to catch up with a dance  friend I usually only “see” on social media. For nearly two hours, I didn’t think about things going on beyond that space with the beautiful stage and the stained glass skylights. It was definitely much better than the average Sunday night of watching TV, scrolling social media and news, and thinking about work on Monday. 

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