Monday, August 5, 2024

random thoughts – Day 1,601 – (Monday) – gutter talk

Gutter overflow.
Actions have been taken to deal with the lengthy list of needed house repairs, beginning with the gutters and the front door water feature. Last week an estimator came out to measure for gutters. This was the same local company that has coupons in the ValPac bundles and which has cleaned the gutters a couple times.

The nice rep arrived on time. He explained everything. He estimated the current gutters to be around 20 years old. It was a nice conversation. He promised two estimates, one for the whole house, and one for just the problematic gutter across the front of the house. They both arrived a couple hours after he left, and noted how much material would be used and specifics for the project. The price for the whole house has gone up since two years ago, but not as much as I expected. Just doing the front was an idea not presented before. 

Today, a rep from another company came. As I played Woodoku on my cell on Sunday in a semi delirious state induced by lack of sleep, a gutter company ad appeared on the tiny screen. I clicked the tiny button to “Learn More” which led to a couple prequalifying questions including one about my interest – gutter filters, new gutters, or not sure. I tapped not sure and filled out some info. Barely a second after hitting send, my phone rang. A rep from the new company was on the line informing me an estimator could be at my house Monday. Wow. 

At the appointed hour, another punctual gutter sales person knocked on the door. We walked around the house and I pointed out the problems. I went back inside to work at my desk while measurements happened. The next time he knocked on the door he came in with a trunk suitable for an old timey long distance ocean voyage.

Items were pulled from the trunk. A ring binder with a 10,000 page presentation extolling the virtues of the national company based in Ohio (NO complaints filed with the Better Business Bureau – ever!). A product sample was presented, disassembled, explained. It turns out, this company only does the screen stuff for on top of the gutters. And then, in a dramatic moment, a very large number was written on a sheet of paper, with “large” referring to both the writing and the amount ($6,700+). For real, the estimate for just screen things on top of gutters cost more than twice as much as the first quote for all new gutters.

Then the hard sell began. What did I think of the number (large). What did I think it would be (no idea). What number would make me feel better (not the one I was looking at). Then the discounts rolled out. A coupon. A discount. But the discounts are valid only today. Right that minute. As soon as he crosses the threshold, only the big number is valid. 

I expressed concern at putting brand new filters on top of gutters that are 20 to 30 years old. He claimed the gutters would “be like new” as they repair any damage and realign them and it's all “guaranteed forever.” Like forever forever. I still wasn’t sold. An hour after the rep left, an email arrived with a new, lower number ($4,500). The whole thing felt very skeevy, and I hate the whole sales pitch crap. Today reinforced my trust in the original company.

Now to decide if I fix just the front gutter, or the whole house. Or maybe I get a third estimate, like I do for projects at work. The biggest hesitation, which was the same case two years ago, is the heating system that runs through the existing gutters. The gutter company removes the system but doesn’t replace it. It’s used only a couple times a year when the gutters are filled and frozen, but when I need it, I need it. So, I can fix one thing and break another. Some days there is no winning.

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