Wednesday, August 21, 2024

random thoughts – Day 1,617 – (Wednesday) – clouds and spells

The air had a fall feel to it today. Crisp. Cool bordering on chilly. Free of the summer humidity. It made me a sad. It’s much too early for this. I haven't even hauled myself to the beach yet this year.

The cloud blanket crept in.
When the car was started, it immediately informed me (in Italian because I haven't dug into the many menus to change the language back to English again), that the tire pressure is low on all four tires. I think I liked my old (2004) Honda CRV that had a five-disc CD player, cassette deck, and didn’t constantly nag me with data and speed limit notifications, and co-workers, neighbors, and/or strangers in parking lots would say, “hey, your tires are low.” 

The skies did the practically daily gray cloud cover thing. At one point, it looked like a fleece blanket sliding itself low over downtown. It kept looking like it would rain, and the weather widget on the desk monitor kept saying it would do so in about an hour, but it didn’t. Not downtown where the office is anyway.

The absence of rain meant I could mow tonight. In theory, anyway.  

Kiki getting closer.
When I arrived home, I fell under the spell of little Miss Kiki. We are at a point where I can say her name and extend my hand and she will approach and place her silky little face against my hand for a gentle pat. She will sit on the living room rug and at a smaller distance than before, sometimes right near the couch. 

Over the past couple weeks, Keeks has begun parking herself in the doorway and meows. When I meow back and extend my hand, she comes over for a pat. She has begun grooming herself in my line of vision. My stony little heart melts with each of these activities. 

Tonight, she has been periodically strutting around the living room as if she wants me to notice her. When I do notice her, she comes nearer and lets me stroke her. Maybe soon, I’ll have a cuddle buddy. Or she's trying to tell me it's time for me to give her a tasty little Temptations treat and hen take myself upstairs to bed. In any event, she is frequently acknowledging my existence and I'll take it. I'm not a fan of the day's chilly weather, but I'm definitely a fan of Kiki and her new, warmer affections. The lawn can wait.

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