Thursday, August 22, 2024

random thoughts – Day 1,618 – (Thursday) – mowed and conquered

It was one of those days. In the good way. Work was good. The insanely long to-do list for the week saw some items crossed off which made it easier to breathe.

The plan floating in the back of my brain all day after seeing a weather forecast free of rain was to mow the yard after work. After logging off the system, the official yard sneakers were donned and I marched out to the yard.

The yard beast.
The march was interrupted almost immediately. Some pervasive, fast growing weed vine thing had wound and interlaced itself through the chain link fence and the gate and needed to be yanked so I could open the gate and get into the back yard. It’s amazing (in a horrifying way) how much yard work hasn’t been done this year with no dogs and the frequent trips to the yard with them. The fear of losing a small-ish dog in a wild, overgrown yard was a powerful motivator for regular yard work.

The mower, probably feeling as abandoned as the yard, was released from the shed and wheeled to the front yard where some of the grass was so tall it couldn’t fight gravity and stand up anymore. It was tougher going than usual, but the mower is a true beast and the front was finished. Then the chore moved to the back yard.

The back yard greenery of grass, faux grass, and known weeds is much sender than the scrappy front yard stuff. It was damp closer to the ground and clumped in the mower. That meant digging it out a couple times during the ordeal. After the mowing, some unmowable weeds were pulled. The yard waste barrel is full and ready for pickup on Monday.

It was a very productive hour or so and The BungaLowell looks less neglected and abandoned. I half expected the neighbors to come out and offer thanks and congratulations and was disappointed when they didn’t.

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