Tuesday, August 20, 2024

random thoughts – Day 1,616 – (Tuesday) – weeds and stuff

Evening primrose
along the deck.
The evening primrose has been flowering along the deck with its bright yellow flowers. The edge of my deck sits right on the property line, and the plants made a nice privacy screen that blocked the view of the neighbor’s cars and activity when I would read on my porch in the mornings.

There used to be a lot more evening primrose along my deck, but a few years ago, the woman next door ripped out a bunch of it thinking it was weeds and the natural privacy screen hasn't fully come back yet. Now that she knows it has pretty little flowers, she has it growing in several spots in her front flower bed. Last year, I relocated some of it along my front yard picket fence and it’s taken pretty well. Some of it is taller than the fence.

The evening primrose looks nice, but the so-called front lawn has turned into a nightmare. I didn’t mow it during the last yard cut, but it’s had a growth spurt and is now a meadow of weeds swaying in the breezes. The plan was to mow over the past weekend, but either the grass was wet from a recent rain, in the process of becoming wet from a current rain, my hair was behaving too well to get it all sweaty, or I'm just lazy. Or something.

Supper, aka why I didn't mow tonight.
I thought the mow might get done tonight, but at 5:00 the wind was whipping the trees and the clouds were looking like it might rain and I didn't feel like playing Beat the Clock. Instead, I made supper (black bean burger with cheese and sriracha mayo on a Portuguese muffin) and turned on the TV which is pretty much the kiss of death for all ambition and potential chores or projects. 

In another day or two, the front yard is going to look like abandoned property (if it doesn’t already). Maybe tomorrow I’ll get to the yardwork (famous last words).

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