Sunday, August 11, 2024

random thoughts – Day 1,607 – (Sunday) – food and rest

Grilled PB&J.
The day was a fog. Despite Saturday being pretty low-key with an art reception, grocery shopping, and an outdoor concert, and arriving home and in bed at a reasonable hour, on Sunday, I was dragging. For reasons I can’t discern, I slept until nearly 10 this morning. It felt so late in the morning and so close to the noon caffeine finish point that I didn’t even bother with making coffee.

Breakfast was skipped in favor of lunch. The top contenders for lunch came down to grilled cheese or grilled peanut butter and jelly. The cheese consumption has been on the lofty side lately, so PB&J won. Every time I make one of these I mentally thank my sister for introducing me to the delicacy ages ago, when we were kids.

A dull headache thudded for most of the day and despite nearly ten hours of sleep, I was feeling tired. At some time in the afternoon, the binge-watching of The Crown was paused and a nap on the couch commenced. No idea when the nap began, but it wrapped up around 4:00. 

Ice cream and potato chips.
With little ambition to prepare food and no interest in the salad for which ingredients were carefully chosen on Saturday, supper was chosen with the logic of an unattended child and was cherry ice cream with potato chips. On Monday, the preferred pizza delivery shop reopens after a closure for a week’s vacation and the meal planning gaps will be once again taken care of.

Even with all the sleep, I’m looking forward to bed. The head is still throbbing and I still feel tired. Completely out of character, I'm hot. There is no energy to try and stay up late to look for the potential sky double feature of Aurora Borealis and Perseid meteor shower. I’m sure I’ll regret it, but it won't be the first thing, nor the last.

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