Saturday, August 3, 2024

random thoughts – Day 1,599 – (Saturday) – satisfying and not quite

Friday night, after the usual staying up too late activities of lots of Duolingo French lessons to maintain my standing in the top ten of the Diamond League semifinals, even though I have no clue what that even is, there was also too much scrolling of the social media channels, and then there was sleep. And it was so, so very good. According to the fitness watch, it was eight hours and 43 minutes of delicious sleep. Amazing. It sure beat the six hours or less of much of the week.

The sleep ended when the usual symptom of my oversleeping arrived – a really weird dream, during which I  thought, "this is weird." I love when I start critiquing my dreams as they are unfolding. 

Usually the morning weird REM sleep visions are travel dreams involving a missing passport, traffic jams en route to the airport, and other hardships. This morning’s mental picture show involved themes of work, loyalty, and betrayal. And me being lost in our office building, which for this scenario was a massive school complex. And during my attempted escape from the oddball work/school setting, I came upon a man having a heart attack and gave him the winter coat off my back after handing my cell to his daughter and talking her through calling 911. Seriously? What the what? I couldn’t get out of bed fast enough after that weird dreamscape.

After the coffee waking up process brought to me by the fine folks at Maxwell House, it was a day of labor. Despite it being a million degrees (ok, it was probably 87), today was the day chosen to spring into action and wash all the sheer curtains hanging in the ten porch windows. There were numerous rounds of step stool climbing and lots of sweat involved. While the curtains were in the washer, the deep porch sills were cleaned and now that chore, thought about since spring, is done for another year.  It looks better out on the porch and I’ll probably sleep well tonight from the exertion.

Ramen comfort.
The physical output was fueled by a bowl of “I can’t decide what to eat” ramen mixed with the usual frozen vegetable assortment, queso, and Korean hot pepper paste. So reliably satisfying. 

Supper was met with another case of not knowing what to eat which resulted in a bowl of black raspberry ice cream topped with hot fudge. Oddly, it was far less satisfying than the ramen of earlier in the day. Grocery store ice cream is really lacking lately. Can’t win them all.

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