Tuesday, December 26, 2023

random thoughts – Day 1,379 – (Tuesday) – food issues

The four-day weekend and the holiday have all conspired to deliver a mini series of “what day is today?” On Friday, the day of the oral surgeon appointment, I kept thinking it was Saturday. Saturday felt like Sunday. Sunday felt ok, but then Monday felt like Sunday again. Tuesday felt like Monday. Things may be set right on Wednesday while in the office with other team members (fingers crossed).

Even though Christmas has now come and gone and there were days off, feasting, and gifts, it still doesn’t feel like it’s happened yet. Now it’s the task of un-decorating and paying the Christmas bills.

The other post-Christmas task is the purge of the refrigerator, currently underway. The purge involves removing the Christmas calories from The BungaLowell. Mom sent me home with roast, squash, mashed potatoes, a slab of apple pie, and a slab of mincemeat pie leftover from dinner, plus a bonus box of Priscilla chocolates. My sister sent me from her home with several slices of cheesecake. Plus, there was the pecan pie bought at Aldi on Friday, leftover rice and veggie korma, and the chili chocolate cookies left over from the platters.

As much as possible and practical was stuffed into the freezer, including some of the cheesecake and  a bag of the cookies. This was an attempt at the “out of sight out of mind” principle. There are still some treats under the tree. 

Despite vowing to eat better (as in fewer sweets), today didn’t go very well and much food was stuffed into my face. Lunch was a reasonable bowl of rice and veggie korma, but it got a little crazy after that. 

One hour in.
The Priscilla chocolates were opened. It started with one chocolate. Then another. One hour after being opened, about seven pieces of the candy had disappeared, and then was all downhill and the box was three-fourths gone. At that point, it seemed dumb to stop, but when the stomach ache kicked in, that helped a lot. There was a decision to not have supper. 

Around four o’clock, thoughts of squash, mashed potato, and roast crept into my head, interrupting work. At 5:15, after finishing up some loose ends and shutting down the computer, the refrigerator was ravaged for the supper items. For the supper that had been allegedly cancelled. The candy consumption was a colossal fail, and so was skipping supper.

After supper, the slice of cheesecake still in the fridge kept whispering my name and I caved. It was creamy. It was delicious. It gave me another stomach ache, which was not a surprise and probably deserved. The food indulgence in the name of cleaning things out is not without consequences.

Additional consequences will undoubtedly be realized Wednesday when no pants fit when attempting to dress for work. It might have to be a dress day. There are a couple dresses in the closet that are a little bit forgiving. I think. At least, that is how I remember it. It’s been ages since I last wore a dress, and it was long before the current “I have to eat all this food before it spoils” Christmas leftovers removal project. If only it burned calories instead of loading them.

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