Saturday, December 16, 2023

random thoughts – Day 1,369 – (Saturday) – glassware

When I woke up, there was no plan for the day beyond morning coffee. By the time the coffee was gone, there was a plan to meet Mom in Fitchburg to do some shopping. 

We met up and parked her car and visited UpScale Consignmint, Bob’s Store, Home Goods, Dollar Tree. We looked at stuff. We touched stuff. We dodged other shoppers with carts in the narrow aisles lined with holiday items. Bob's had signs declaring 10% to 80% off, and even still, the prices seemed pricey. 

Home Goods had a display of five shelves of fancy glassware. The entire display was dust free and sparkled under the lights. A heavy looking candelabra on the top shelf captivated my attention. It would look great on the grand piano in the massive foyer or music room of the dream house of my 20s. 

Funny how things don't quite work out. The entire first floor of The BungaLowell would fit in the front hall of my elegant once upon a dream house and I have long since given up the idea of a dream house, dream car, dream job, dream life, or dream partner.

At Dollar Tree, I bought bags for baked goods in case I actually get it in gear and actually bake. Mom got some paper plates. The checkout line was forever long, giving us time to study the heavy traffic on Route 12 in Leominster. We couldn't wait to get away from the area.

We fled to the quiet dining room of Uno for lunch before peeling off on our separate ways. I drove deeper into the ‘Burg on a sort of a joyride through residential streets. When I’m in the area, sometimes I just drive around the hills where once upon a time in much younger days I walked or rode my bike. Those were good days.

On the way out of town, there was a stop for gas and a visit to the Salvation Army Thrift Store, mostly because the parking lot was empty and a break in the traffic allowed for an immediate left turn. Kind of a miracle. The hunt for the “right” soup bowls continues. Instead, I found a smaller creamer than the one I have, a small dish shaped like a tree, and a red tee shirt with the outline of a reindeer in tiny studs on the front (total cost $6). The glassware at Salvation Army was a far cry from the glassware at Home Goods, but it is certainly more suited to my actual life.

Back in Lowell, it was a stop at St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store to check for soup bowls. Instead, I found a one-cup liquid measuring cup to supplement my two-cup version, a wire tree sculpture thing, a black and white plaid shirt, a black and white sweater, and a brown print silk blouse (total cost $12). It’s odd how the search for soup bowls keeps turning into clothing acquisitions. Merry Christmas to me? 

While predictable Christmas movies with similar plots played on the TV, I flipped through the Land O'Lakes Cookie cookbook. Ingredients were scanned and a couple sticky notes placed to flag potential recipes. It's another step closer to actual baking. Tomorrow has no solid plan, but there is a loose idea of baking. 

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