Thursday, July 28, 2022

“Remoted – Hybrid” – Day 872 (Thursday) – wetness

Rain. For real.
Today it rained. It began around 3:00 p.m. It was done in ten minutes, maybe fewer, making it mostly a non-event. At 8:50 p.m., over the volume of the TV, which wasn’t even very loud, I heard the sound of a downpour. I don’t know how long it had been raining before I was aware of it, but once I heard it, I looked outside. There was a wall of rain slamming down at an angle. A puddle had accumulated at the base of the front stairs which poor Winston will have to wade through when he next goes out to potty. A torrent of water flowed down the street like a river. 

Just a few minutes later, the volume had been turned down, both in noise and ferocity. The rain was coming straight down and was less loud. The usual rain lake had formed at the end of the short driveway I don’t park in partly because of the big puddle. And then it was back to the loud rain again. Thank goodness the gutters were cleaned last week, which pulled the plug on the front door water feature.

The soaking means the weeds out front will likely be as tall as Winston in the morning. The basement is taking in water in the one weird corner that always gets wet. I can see the water trickling in where the wall meets the floor but it’s minor compared to the water park that opened in the basement one winter several years ago. For now, anyway.

In other hydration news, the work wellness hydration challenge continues. It’s become really easy to meet the 64-ounce daily quota and even exceed it by 10 or 20 ounces. The weird thing is, the more water I am drinking, the thirstier I feel. My mouth feels perma-dry.

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