Tuesday, June 29, 2021

“Remoted” – Day 470 (Tuesday)

Orange day lily.
As much as I have always claimed the heat doesn’t bother me, today, the heat felt like a bit much. At 7:30 this morning, before the heat had time to develop full bloom, I was out front trimming the wild and wayward rose bush and then the once again crazily overgrown rhododendron. It seemed like I would melt. By midday, the temperature was solidly in the high 90s and the dogs seemed to be avoiding going out in the heat and humidity. 

While the front yard flowers are growing wildly, the orange day lilies are blooming in the back yard. A couple of them are as tall as I am, which is pretty cool. They were all dug up from the front yard in a rush to clear the way for last summer’s fence installation. Dang, how the time flies. The day lilies seem to be thriving in the new spots along the property side property line, near the shed, and along the back privacy fence, so at least I got that right. One poor hosta has been overwhelmed by the irises, and another withered away, so that has felt less successful. 

At 8:30, feels like
a lofty promise.
The other news of the day is anticipation of an Amazon order that is supposed to arrive by 10:00, but the odds of success seem to be slipping. At 4:30, I was faked out by the arrival of a Prime van in my driveway, but as usual, I was just being used as a turnaround spot on the dead-end street. UPS and FedEx also regularly toy with my affections and abuse my asphalt in this manner. It feels like a cosmic conspiracy, and is reminiscent of high school (and college, and all the time after) when it seemed like the hot guy was coming over, but at the last minute, the direction is changed and poof, gone.

As late as 8:00, the order tracking still optimistically delivered the promise of a delivery by 10:00 tonight, but also according to the same tracking page, the package has not even shipped, never mind advanced to “out for delivery.” If they pull this delivery off, I will be impressed.  

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