Wednesday, June 16, 2021

“Remoted” – Day 457 (Wednesday)

While I am sometimes a conscientious and healthy eater, there are times I just don’t feel like preparing actual food. After nights of healthy meals full of fresh vegetables, followed by days of leftover lunches, I hit a wall and just can’t. Can’t peel, chop, or slice another morsel. Can’t stir fry or bake another colorful meal. As much as I like vegetables, unless it’s Equatorial hot or someone in a restaurant is making it, I’m not really interested in salads.

Last night was one of those nights of not wanting to cook. I had to take a ride to fetch the paperwork that was forgotten with the Jeep delivery and get a can of dog food for morning medicine meatball time. While at Family Dollar, I grabbed my favorite $3 frozen pizza, Tony’s, to have on hand for emergency backup. While driving home, ingredients in the fridge and the combinations that could be assembled in a skillet were pondered. It was exhausting. The pizza became Tuesday’s supper, topped with some mushrooms and extra shredded cheese. 

Monochrome dining.
After a work day of hustle and hurry, 10,000 emails, a decent dose of stress, and yet another day of eating lunch at my desk, there was zero ambition available for preparing any kind of supper. This means that bad decisions may have been made. Tasty, but probably not the best choices. Specifically, tonight’s tasty supper turned out to be not a colorful symphony of fresh produce, but instead, a monotone medley of Friendly’s Butter Crunch ice cream topped with potato chips. The cold, creamy ice cream, crunchy buttery bits, and salty crunchy chips were the perfect ending to the day.

Many days I dine on healthy and vibrant vegetable-based meals like a mature adult. Sometimes, I feed my inner child with comfort foods like Mom’s American chop suey or scrambled eggs. Other times, I just eat like an unattended child and it’s all ice cream and potato chips. At least there is variety, that famous spice of life.

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