Saturday, March 27, 2021

“Remoted” – Day 376 (Saturday)

Thank goodness for bands still doing Facebook live feeds a year into the socially distanced days of the modern plague. These entertainment events help break the combined monotony and stress of a solitary pandemic life peppered with various recent health events -- my own and those of family members. 

The recent habit of watching Hallmark Movie Channel’s stupid romance movies has essentially turned my brain to mush, and it’s really gotten depressing watching all the 30- to 35-year old model types fall in love movie after movie. I may need to switch over to the murder channels for a while to reset and cleanse my palate and brain. At least in the mornings and late night Hallmark offers Golden Girls, which I failed to appreciate fully when it originally aired, but thoroughly enjoy now. 

Sobernaught live from
the practice garage!
Over on Netflix the addiction is foreign language movies with subtitles. Reading a movie at least requires some level of alert mental engagement. Thank goodness for the pause and backup buttons for when I space out and miss something important. The new season of Shtisel, about a Haredi family living in an ultra-Orthodox neighborhood of Jerusalem, is killing me and keeps making my eyes leak.

Reading subtitles on Finnish, Korean, and Isreali shows, plus daily news and online banking and marketing subscriptions are the closest I’ve come to reading a book. After reading stuff literally all day and night, there is no interest left for a book, so it’s been a dismal failure of the resolution to read a book a month. That innocent idea crashed and burned after the January completion of Charlotte’s Web. Last night I picked up a book of Mark Twain and carried it from the bookcase over to the bed, noticed the spine was really loose and the whole book felt fragile, so it was set down, and that is as far as it went.

Tonight’s much needed, monotony busting, online musical diversion was Sobernaught, my brother-in-law’s band's livestream “from the practice garage.” It was great to see familiar faces and hear live music. The only reading was optional and involved the set list on a white board in some of the camera angles, and was definitely a nice change of pace. It will be an even nicer change of pace to see a band live in a club with other people. 

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